Use "resile|resiled|resiles|resiling" in a sentence

1. Resile, Arsle - To resile or Arsle is to recoil, retreat, or draw back

2. Adiation is a mode of election and may be resiled from

3. Synonyms for Bounced include rebounded, rebound, ricocheted, ricochetted, caromed, recoiled, resiled, bobbed, glanced and skimmed

4. Abjure - formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She Abjured her beliefs" forswear , recant , retract , resile

5. 29 Or they could wait in hope for the European Central Bank to decide inflation is not so bad after all; or for the Germans to resile from their economic puritanism and become free-spending idlers.